Calm-Down Time
Every toddler needs a little calm-down time. This book helps young children handle strong feelings at home and daycare.
Every toddler needs a little calm-down time. This book helps young children handle strong feelings at home and daycare.
Every parent, caregiver—and young child—knows the misery that comes with meltdowns and toddlers’ temper tantrums. This reassuring book offers toddlers simple tools to release strong feelings, express them, and calm themselves down. Children learn to use their calm-down place—a quiet space where they can take time out to cry, ask for a hug, sing to themselves or be rocked in a grown-up’s arms, talk about feelings, and breathe: “One, two, three . . . I’m calm as can be. I’m taking care of me.” After a break, toddlers will feel like new—and adults will, too.