Words Are Not for Hurting (board book)
We often say to toddlers “Use your words.” This book takes the idea a step further by helping them understand the difference between helpful words and hurtful ones.
We often say to toddlers “Use your words.” This book takes the idea a step further by helping them understand the difference between helpful words and hurtful ones.
Children are known for speaking their minds. We can’t expect them to watch every word, but we can help them understand that their words affect other people. We can gently guide them to choose words that are helpful instead of hurtful, and to say two very important words—“I’m sorry”—when hurtful words come out before they can stop them. Words Are Not for Hurting helps little ones learn big ideas: they are responsible for what they do and say; their actions and words affect others; and they can make positive choices. The book also includes helpful tips for parents and caregivers.